(Law) criminal intent; the thoughts and intentions behind a wrongful act (including knowledge that the act is illegal); often at issue in murder trials.
Mental element in criminal law.
Examples for "malice aforethought "
Examples for "malice aforethought "
1 And in his case he does it deliberately and of malice aforethought .
2 God knows; she might think it was done spitefully, with malice aforethought .
3 Now, let us go forth and smite the ungodly with malice aforethought .
4 Indeed, I have with malice aforethought ransacked his works to find them.
5 Terrible as is his crime, he never committed it out of malice aforethought .
1 How can we establish intention - " mens rea " , or the "guilty mind" - beyond a reasonable doubt?
2 The judgement said in light of this it was Anne Stevens' opinion that a mens rea defence would have been hopeless.
3 Some key Republican senators are reluctant to support the bill until it includes changes to " mens rea " laws that govern criminal intent.
4 Central to the criminal law system we have is the idea of intent or, in legalese mens rea , which conveys the idea of "guilty mind".
5 Mens rea reform was excluded from the Senate measure because its authors were divided on the issue.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
Translations for mens rea